Exterior Angles of a Polygon
(KS2, Year 6)

The exterior angles of a polygon are the angles outside of the polygon, between a side and the extension of the side next to it.

exterior angles of a polygon

The Sum of the Exterior Angles of a Polygon

The sum of the exterior angles of a polygon is: polygons_sum_of_exterior_angles The exterior angles of a polygon add up to 360°, a full revolution.

The Exterior Angles of a Regular Polygon

Regular polygons have equal exterior angles. There are as many exterior angles as there are sides. To find each exterior angle in a regular polygon, divide the sum of the exterior angles by the number of sides. The formula for each of the exterior angles of a regular polygon is: regular_polygons_exterior_angles


Imagine you wanted to find an interior angle of a regular hexagon. regular_polygons_exterior_angles_example A regular hexagon has 6 sides, so n = 6. Using the formula:

Exterior angle = 360° ÷ n

Exterior angle = 360° ÷ 6

Exterior angle = 60°

Each angle in a regular hexagon is 60°. how to find the exterior angle of a regular polygon

The Exterior Angles of Different Polygons

Shape Sum of Exterior Angles Exterior Angle of Regular Polygon
triangle Triangle 360° 120°
square Quadrilateral 360° 90°
regular pentagon Pentagon 360° 72°
regular hexagon Hexagon 360° 60°
regular heptagon Heptagon 360° 51.4°
regular octagon Octagon 360° 45°
regular nonagon Nonagon 360° 40°
regular decagon Decagon 360° 36°
regular dodecagon Dodecagon 360° 30°


What Exterior Angles Are...

The exterior angle is the angle between a side and the extension of the side next to it.

...And What Exterior Angles Are Not

The exterior angle of a polygon is not the angle outside of a polygon, between two sides.


What Is a Polygon?

A polygon is a 2-dimensional shape with straight sides.

Interior Angles

Polygons have interior angles as well as exterior angles.

polygons interior angle mini The sum of the interior angles of a polygon is given by the formula:

polygons sum of interior angles mini

An Interior and Exterior Angle in a Polygon Add Up to 180°

An interior and exterior angle in a polygon add up to 180°.

how the interior and exterior angle of a polygon add up to 180°
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This page was written by Stephen Clarke.