Finding a Power of a Power in Algebra
(KS3, Year 7)

We can find a power of a power. In this case, a power (with an exponent) is itself raised to an exponent. To find a power of a power, multiply the exponents together. a to the m all to the n is equal to a to the m times n This is a law of exponents.

How to Find the Power of a Power in Algebra

Finding a power of a power in algebra is easy.


Use the law of exponents to find the power of the power below.
x squared cubed



Find the exponents. In our example, the exponents are 2 and 3. exponents are 2 and 3


Multiply the exponents together.
2 × 3 = 6


Make the answer from Step 2 (6) the exponent of the base that has been raised to the exponent. x to the 6


We have found the power of the power. x squared cubed equals x to the 6

Understanding Powers of a Power in Algebra

Let us look at the rule for finding a power of a power, using the example above: bases and exponents Firstly, let us look at what is to the left of the equals sign (=): x to the 2 to the 3
  • Inside the brackets is a power, x2. It consists of a base (x) raised to an exponent (2). x squared powers, bases and exponents x2 means x is multiplied by itself 2 times:
    x2 = x × x
  • This power becomes the base of another power, (x2)3. Here, the base is x2 and the exponent is 3. x squared cubed powers, bases and exponents (x2)3 means x2 is multiplied by itself 3 times:
    (x2)3 = x2 × x2 × x2
    By writing out this in full, we see that the left hand side is equal to x multiplied by itself 6 times: x6.

    x2 × x2 × x2 = (x × x) × (x × x) × (x × x)

    x2 × x2 × x2 = x × x × x × x × x × x

    x2 × x2 × x2 = x6

Let us look at the right hand side of the equals sign (=): x to the 2 times 3
  • x2 × 3 is a power. It consists of a base (x) raised to an exponent (2 × 3). Clearly, x2 × 3 is equal to x6. The left hand side of the equation equals the right hand side.

Lesson Slides

The slider below shows another real example of how to find a power of a power in algebra.
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This page was written by Stephen Clarke.