Converting Mixed Fractions to Improper Fractions
(KS2, Year 3)

Mixed fractions can be converted to improper fractions.

mixed fraction to improper
  • A mixed fraction has a whole number and a fraction.
  • An improper fraction (or top-heavy fraction) is a fraction where the top number is greater than (or equal to) the bottom number.

How to Convert from Improper to Mixed Fractions


Convert the mixed fraction below to an improper fraction.
mixed fraction to improper example Don't forget: A mixed fraction has a 'whole number' part (2 in our example) and a 'fraction' part (½). The top number of the fraction (1) is called the numerator. The bottom number of the fraction (2) is called the denominator.

parts of mixed fraction example explained



Multiply the whole number (2) by the denominator of the fraction (2).

2 × 2 = 4


Take this answer (4) and add the numerator (1) of the fraction part of the mixed fraction.

4 + 1 = 5


Make this the numerator of the improper fraction.


Take the denominator from the fraction part of the mixed fraction (2) and make this the denominator of the improper fraction.


Simplify the fraction if possible. (The fraction in our example is already as simple as possible).


5/2 (five-halves) is 2 1/2 (two and a half) written as a mixed fraction.

mixed fraction to improper example answer

Lesson Slides

The slider below shows another real example of converting mixed fractions to improper fractions.

What Is a Fraction?

A fraction is a part of a whole number. Fractions consist of a numerator and a denominator There are three different types of fractions:

Mixed Fractions

An improper fraction is a type of fraction, where the numerator is greater than or equal to the denominator.

improper fractions about mini

Improper or "Top-Heavy" Fractions

An improper fraction is a type of fraction, where the numerator is greater than or equal to the denominator.

improper fractions about mini Improper fractions are sometimes called "top-heavy" fractions, because the top of the fraction is bigger than the bottom.
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This page was written by Stephen Clarke.