Fractions and Percentages (Mathematics Curriculum)


What Is a Percentage?

A percentage is a part of a whole. It expresses a part of a whole number as parts out of 100. A percentage is written as a number followed by the percentage symbol % (said as "percent"):

parts of a percentage This is 20% (said as "20 percent"). It means 20 parts out of 100. A grid with 100 squares is a useful way of visualizing percentages. In the grid below, 20 out of 100 squares are colored blue. 20% of the squares are blue.

visualize 20 percent

Dictionary Definition

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines a percentage as "a part of a whole expressed in hundredths."

The Curriculum

The lessons are grouped into mini-curriculum to help you organise your learning. A brief description is given for each mini-curriculum. Click the MORE button to learn more.


percentages percentages

A percentage is a way of expressing a part as a proportion of a whole. In this mini-curriculum, you will learn the basics of percentages.

A percentage is a part of a whole. It expresses a part of a whole number as parts out of 100.
percentages percentage example
This is 1%. It is 1 part in 100.

Find the Percentage of a Number
Find the percentage of a number by dividing the percentage by 100 then multiplying the answer by the number:
percentages find percentage

Express as a Percentage of a Number
A number can be expressed as a percentage of another number:
percentage 15 out of 25 equals 60 percent

Read More

how to find the percentage of a number
how to express one number as a percentage of another number

Percentage Changes

percentages percentage changes

A percentage change is the change from one value to another value, expressed as a percentage. In this mini-curriculum, you will learn about how to find percentage changes.

Percentage Change
A percentage change is the change from one value to another value, expressed as a percentage. Here is an example of a percentage change:
percentages percentage change
A number increases from 10 to 12. The change (2) is 20% of the original number (10). It is a 20% percentage change.

Find a Percentage Change
Find a percentage change by expressing the change in a number as a percentage of the original number.
percentages find percentage change

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percentage changes
how to find a percentage change

Converting Percentages

percentages convert

Percentages are just one way of expressing a part of a whole. Fractions and decimals are other ways. In this mini-curriculum, you will learn how convert a percentage to a fraction and a decimal.

Convert Percentage to a Fraction
A percentage can be converted to a fraction.
percentages convert to fraction

Convert Percentage to a Decimal
A percentage can be converted to a decimal.
percentages convert to decimal

Read More

how to convert a percentage to a fraction
how to convert a percentage to a decimal

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This page was written by Stephen Clarke.