

Transformations Curriculum

A List of Lessons in the Transformations Curriculum


What Is a Transformation?

A transformation is a change of a shape. A transformation can change a shape's position, orientation and its size. There are four types of transformations: translation, rotation, reflection and enlargement (or in simpler language: slide, turn, flip and resize). Here are some examples from transformations. We might be interested in sliding (translating) a shape. We might want to turn (rotate) a shape. We might want to flip (reflect) a shape in a line. We might want to resize (enlarge) a shape. Transformations allow us to do this.

transformations examples

The Curriculum

The lessons are grouped into mini-curriculum to help you organise your learning. A brief description is given for each mini-curriculum. Click the MORE button to learn more.


transformations about transformations

A transformation is a change in a shape so that its angles and proportions are kept the same, but it has been slided, turned, flipped or resized. In this mini-curriculum, you will learn the basics of transformations.


A transformation is a change of a shape. A transformation can change a shape's position, orientation and its size.
transformations transformations

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transformations about translations

A translation moves a shape without flipping, turning or resizing it. In this mini-curriculum, you will learn about translation.


A translation moves a shape. A translation is a slide of a shape: without rotating, reflecting or resizing it.
Each point on the shape moves the same direction and the same distance.
transformations translation

Translate a Shape
To translate a shape, break the translation down into:

- how far we move the shape in a horizontal direction (left or right).
- how far we move the shape in a vertical direction (up or down).

Use a column vector to describe how far to move the shape in these directions.
transformations translate a shape

Describe a Translation
To describe a translation:

- find how far a shape has moved in a horizontal direction (left or right).
- find how far a shape has moved in a vertical direction (up or down).

Write these in a column vector.
transformations describe a translation

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how to translate a shape
how to describe a translation


transformations about rotations

A rotation turns a shape. It changes a shape's orientation. In this mini-curriculum, you will learn about rotation.


A rotation turns a shape. It is a turn of a shape about a point (called the center of rotation).
All points move in a circle around the center of rotation, so that each point stays the same distance from the center of rotation.
transformations rotation

Common Rotations
Common rotations are rotations of 90°, 180°, 270° and 360° about the origin.
transformations common rotations

Rotate a Shape
To rotate a shape, rotate each point on the shape by the same angle about a center of rotation.
transformations rotate a shape

Describe a Rotation
To describe a rotation, find the center of rotation and the angle that each point rotates about it.
transformations describe a rotation

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common rotations
how to rotate a shape
how to describe a rotation


transformations about reflections

A reflection flips a shape. It is as if a shape looks in a mirror. In this mini-curriculum, you will learn about reflection.


A reflection flips a shape. It is is a flip of a shape about a line (called the line of reflection).
Each point on the shape is the same perpendicular distance from the line of reflection as the corresponding point on the reflected shape.
transformations reflection

Common Reflections
Common reflections are reflections in the x-axis (y = 0), the y-axis (x = 0), the line x = c, the line y = c, the line y = x and the line y = −x.
transformations common reflections

Reflect a Shape
To reflect a shape, draw the line of reflection. Draw each point on the reflected shape the same perpendicular distance from the line of reflection as the corresponding point on the original shape.
transformations reflect a shape

Describe a Reflection
To describe a rotation, find the line of reflection.
Join corresponding points on the shape and its reflection with a line. The line of reflection passes throught the midpoint if these lines.
transformations describe a reflection

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common reflections
how to reflect a shape
how to describe a reflection


transformations about enlargements

An enlargement resizes a shape. It makes a shape larger or smaller. In this mini-curriculum, you will learn about enlargements.


An enlargement resizes a shape. It makes a shape larger or smaller.
All sides of the shape get larger or smaller by the same amount, so that the lengths of the sides remain in the same proportion to each other.
transformations enlargement

Scale Factor
A scale factor is used to describe an enlargement. It describes how much larger (or smaller) the enlarged shape is compared to the original shape.
transformations scale factor

Enlarge a Shape
To enlarge a shape, find the distance between each point on the shape and the center of enlargement. The corresponding points on the enlarged shape are this distance multiplied by the scale factor.
transformations enlarge a shape

Enlarge a Shape with a Fractional Scale Factor
When you enlarge a shape with a fractional scale factor, the shape will be made smaller.
transformations enlarge a shape fractional scale factor

Enlarge a Shape with a Negative Scale Factor
When you enlarge a shape with a negative scale factor, the shape is enlarged on the other side of the center of enlargement and it is turned upside down.
transformations enlarge a shape negative scale factor

Describe an Enlargement
To describe an enlargement, describe the center of enlargement and the scale factor.
transformations describe an enlargement

Describe an Enlargement with a Negative Scale Factor
When describing an enlargement with a negative scale factor, remember the center of enlargement is in between the shape and the enlarged shape.
transformations describe an enlargement with negative scale factor

Read More

the scale factor
how to enlarge a shape
how to enlarge a shape with a fractional scale factor
how to enlarge a shape with a negative scale factor
how to describe an enlargement
how to describe an enlargement with a negative scale factor

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This page was written by Stephen Clarke.

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